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Ironman Kona. Невозможное возможно!

Сценарий триатлона повторяет процесс эволюции на Земле. Сначала живые организмы существовали в Мировом океане, затем кое-как выползли на берег и наконец встали на ноги. Участники чемпионата мира по триатлону Ironman в городе Каилуа-Кона на Гавайях должны проплыть 3,86 км, затем преодолеть 180 км на велосипедах и еще пробежать 42,2 км. Это настоящая проверка на выносливость, и многие встают на путь тяжелых тренировок для того, чтобы превзойти самих себя. Такая цель была и у Айдына Рахимбаева,
Ironman Kona. Невозможное возможно!

How the Iron was tempered

Book by Vladimir Ryabushkin, President of the Samara region triathlon Federation, is dedicated to the Ironman “Iron distance”. In it, he talks about his childhood, youth, how he came to play sports without being a professional athlete, about his experience of passing this distance, about failures and victories. The book also provides practical tips and recommendations for those who are ready to test their strength by going the Ironman distance. The book is addressed to everyone who loves
How the Iron was tempered


Book by Vladimir Ryabushkin, President of the Samara region triathlon Federation, is dedicated to the Ironman «Iron distance». In it, he talks about his childhood, youth, how he came to play sports without being a professional athlete, about his experience of passing this distance, about failures and victories. The book also provides practical tips and recommendations for those who are ready to test their strength by going the Ironman distance. The book is addressed to everyone who loves