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Faith. Interstellare Bräute Programm- Ascension Saga Band

Die kompletten Abenteuer von Faith und Thor findest du im zweiten Teil der Ascension-Saga (Band 4-6)Faith Jones ist ein ganz normales Mädchen von der Erde und doch nicht ganz.Sie ist zur Hälfte Aleranerin. Und nicht irgendeine Hälfte sie hat königliches Blut.Ihre Mutter ist die Königin, ihre Schwester die Thronerbin und ihre Zwillingsschwester ist mehr als entschlossen, falls nötig über Leichen zu gehen, um ihre verschwundene Mutter wiederzufinden. Faiths Job? Den Jax-Haushalt infiltrieren und
Faith. Interstellare Bräute Programm- Ascension Saga Band

Faith, Hope and Mischief. Tiny acts of rebellion by an everyday activist

Faith, Hope and Mischief tells funny, prophetic and powerful stories of tiny acts of rebellion Andrew has carried out, with arresting reflections on what it means to live in faith and hope. His stories delight and challenge in equal measure, showing how the kingdom of God turns up in all kinds of ways and how small things make a big difference.
Faith, Hope and Mischief. Tiny acts of rebellion by an everyday activist

Faith, Hope and Family

HOPELESSLY IN LOVEYouthful, soul-shattering mistakes? Deborah McCloud had made more than her share. She'd believed in her father, only to discover her trust had been cruelly misplaced. And her heart? She'd misplaced that, too, by falling hopelessly in love with Dylan Smith, a man too sexy and too smart for her comfort. Wanting, needing, Dylan was more than she could bear, so she'd left. Seven years ago. And she'd been running ever since.But now, threats against her family had brought her home
Faith, Hope and Family