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Digitale Medizin. Kompendium für Studium und Praxis. Mit einem Geleitwort von Jörg Debatin und Klaus Dieter Braun

Die digitale Transformation verändert in atemberaubendem Tempo unser Wissen über die Entstehung von Krankheiten und unser Handeln in Diagnostik sowie Therapie dieser. Digitalisierung ist nicht nur ein technologisches Phänomen, die digitale Transformation bringt weitreichende Anpassungsprozesse in allen Bereichen von Medizin und Gesundheitssystem mit sich. Nicht nur die Art und Weise wie Medizin ausgeübt wird, sondern auch die Interaktion zwischen Patienten, Medizin und Pflege befinden sich im
Digitale Medizin. Kompendium für Studium und Praxis. Mit einem Geleitwort von Jörg Debatin und Klaus Dieter Braun

Kontakty duchownych ze stolicą apostolską. Obrazy z życia średniowiecznego kleru w dokumentach penitencjarii apostolskiej

Książka stanowi swoiste podsumowanie dotychczasowych zainteresowań Autora papieskimi dyspensami zarówno z punktu widzenia ukazania aspektów prawnych, obowiązujących przy ich udzielaniu dla duchownych, jak i – a może przede wszystkim – opisu różnych obszarów życia codziennego duchowieństwa, które zostały zawarte w ich treści. Badania aspektów prawnych związanych z udzielaniem papieskich dyspens pozwoliły na pokazanie, w jaki sposób kler podchodził do tego typu dyspens w kontekście rozumienia i
Kontakty duchownych ze stolicą apostolską. Obrazy z życia średniowiecznego kleru w dokumentach penitencjarii apostolskiej

Introduction to Experimental Linguistics

The use of experimental methodology in the field of linguistics has boomed in recent decades. However, implementation of such methods does require an understanding and mastery of specific theoretical and methodological principles. Introduction to Experimental Linguistics presents the key concepts of experimental linguistics in an accessible way, addressing, in turn: the application of experimentation in linguistics; the techniques most frequently used for the study of language; the
Introduction to Experimental Linguistics

Dual Innovation Systems. Concepts, Tools and Methods

Technical superiority is one of the keys to military domination. Thus, defense industries have supported the development of increasingly efficient systems and made significant contributions to technical progress. However, since the late 1980s, defense industries' technological initiative has been questioned and new sources of innovation have been sought by turning to the civilian sphere. A duality was born from this marriage of defense and civil innovation which developed their synergies in
Dual Innovation Systems. Concepts, Tools and Methods

Mathematics in the Visual Arts

Art and science are not separate universes. This book explores this claim by showing how mathematics, geometry and numerical approaches contribute to the construction of works of art. This applies not only to modern visual artists but also to important artists of the past. To illustrate this, this book studies Leonardo da Vinci, who was both an engineer and a painter, and whose paintings can be perfectly modeled using simple geometric curves. The world gains intelligibility through elegant
Mathematics in the Visual Arts

Microprocessor 4. Core Concepts - Software Aspects

Since its commercialization in 1971, the microprocessor, a modern and integrated form of the central processing unit, has continuously broken records in terms of its integrated functions, computing power, low costs and energy saving status. Today, it is present in almost all electronic devices. Sound knowledge of its internal mechanisms and programming is essential for electronics and computer engineers to understand and master computer operations and advanced programming concepts. This book
Microprocessor 4. Core Concepts - Software Aspects

Apple Watch For Dummies

Explore the vast yet compact world on your wrist! So you’ve bought an Apple Watch and you’ve been having a really great time talking to your wrist, but now you’re wondering what other sorts of fun trouble you can find. For that, the updated edition of Apple Watch For Dummies is your perfect guide, providing a friendly overview of the latest series of Apple Watches on the new OS. Whatever you want to achieve—peak health via sleep-tracking and an app-based fitness plan, the ability to navigate
Apple Watch For Dummies

Paleobiology of the Polycystine Radiolaria

Polycystine radiolaria are exclusively marine protists and are found in all ocean waters, from polar regions to the tropics, and at all water depths. There are approximately 600 distinct described living species and several thousand fossil species of polycystines. Radiolarians in general, and polycystines in particular, have recently been shown to be a major component of the living plankton and important to the oceanic carbon cycle. As fossils radiolarians are also fairly common, and often
Paleobiology of the Polycystine Radiolaria

Eesti Vabadussõja ajalugu II osa. Kaitsesõda piiride taga ja lõpuvõitlused

ALLIKAVIITED, AUTORITE MÄRKUSED, ALLIKATE JA KIRJANDUSE NIMEKIRI Koostanud ja toimetanud Lauri Vahtre Viited ja kasutatud kirjanduse toimetanud Toomas Hiio Tekst: Peeter Kaasik, Lauri Vahtre, Urmas Salo, Ago Pajur, Tõnu Tannberg, Hellar Lill, Toomas Hiio, Toe Nõmm ja Taavi Minnik 2020. aasta 2. veebruaril esitletud kaheköiteline „Eesti Vabadussõja ajalugu“ ei sisaldanud viiteaparatuuri. Sellise lahenduse eesmärk oli muuta teos lugejasõbralikumaks ja vähendada mahtu. Ühtlasi andsid autorid ja
Eesti Vabadussõja ajalugu II osa. Kaitsesõda piiride taga ja lõpuvõitlused