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Berlin Blue

Choć od zburzenia muru berlińskiego minęły lata, wydaje się, że podziały, które wprowadził, odcisnęły trwały ślad na mieszkańcach obu stron. Doświadcza tego Jakub Kubacki, były emigrant, który po długiej nieobecności wraca do stolicy Niemiec. Jego powrót to nie tylko próba uporządkowania własnej przeszłości. W Berlinie giną dwaj mężczyźni powiązani z Jakubem, a dawne uprzedzenia odgrywają dużą rolę w teraźniejszości. Kiedy polityka miesza się z emocjami, nic nie jest jasne. Nie wiadomo, komu
Berlin Blue

The New World: The Awakening

In The New World: The Awakening, God has lost hope and faith in His creation and is planning to destroy it and start anew. Mankind’s only hope to stop God from His plans of destruction rests in the hands of Lyric Daniels, a goddess incarnate from the alternate reality Gaia. As Lyric’s mission begins, she struggles with the ability to ascend Earth, knowing that that’s the only way. For some reason, her powers are foreign to her, and she can’t remember how to harness and awaken them. But once
The New World: The Awakening

The Fixer. The Beginning

The Fixer: The Beginning The Fixer is a series that follows Mark Farmer in a new life. This action-packed story follows Mark as his life as he knows it falls apart and is reborn. Mark, a Special Forces soldier known to his brother soldiers as TK, The Killer, has his world turned upside down while deployed overseas. His fiancée, Katie, is kidnapped, raped, and killed by a serial killer. He comes home to find the police have a few leads but no hard evidence against the guy they believe to be the
The Fixer. The Beginning

In Pursuit of Knowledge. Black Women and Educational Activism in Antebellum America

Winner, 2020 Mary Kelley Book Prize, given by the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic Winner, 2020 Outstanding Book Award, given by the History of Education Society Uncovers the hidden role of girls and women in the desegregation of American education The story of school desegregation in the United States often begins in the mid-twentieth-century South. Drawing on archival sources and genealogical records, Kabria Baumgartner uncovers the story’s origins in the
In Pursuit of Knowledge. Black Women and Educational Activism in Antebellum America

Дорогой скорби: всё начинается с запада

Рыцари из тайного Ордена получают необычное задание - исследовать далёкий остров, где произошёл выброс магии. Туда же отправляется и экспедиция Империи, что, по возможности, должна найти угрозу, ликвидировать её и подготовить остров к возможной колонизации. Во главе имперских войск стоит фанатичный командир, готовый решать проблемы огнём и мечом, что может привести к столкновению с Орденом. Тайная организация, Империя, культисты, секты и туземцы - все они сойдутся на далёком острове, что
Дорогой скорби: всё начинается с запада

Игры Проклятых

Ветер магии гуляет над Плато, на котором поселились жалкие остатки некогда могущественной цивилизации людей. Проклятые вновь просыпаются и создают новые витки своих ужасных игр. А в великой пустыне, покинутой человечеством многие столетия назад, из небытия восстают миньоны павших архи демонов. Смогут ли остатки человечества устоять перед новой угрозой или их обратит в прах новый виток истории?
Игры Проклятых

Faith, Hope and Mischief. Tiny acts of rebellion by an everyday activist

Faith, Hope and Mischief tells funny, prophetic and powerful stories of tiny acts of rebellion Andrew has carried out, with arresting reflections on what it means to live in faith and hope. His stories delight and challenge in equal measure, showing how the kingdom of God turns up in all kinds of ways and how small things make a big difference.
Faith, Hope and Mischief. Tiny acts of rebellion by an everyday activist

Great Stories from the German Romantics. Ludwig Tieck and Jean Paul Richter

This outstanding compilation presents stories by two of the writers who helped launch the early nineteenth-century German Romanticism movement: Ludwig Tieck and Jean Paul Richter. Translated by the great British historian Thomas Carlyle, it features seven highly influential tales that range in mood from fantasy and fairy tale lightness to witty satire. Shemlzie's Journey to Fletz and Life of Quintus Fixlien, a story and a novella by Richter, the least translated of the major German Romantics,
Great Stories from the German Romantics. Ludwig Tieck and Jean Paul Richter

The Landlord

"An elaborate spoof that somehow manages to combine touches of the absurd and intimations of the surreal, strokes of caricature, slapstick, and the grotesque, with an inherent down-to-earth sanity and realism." — Saturday Review A wealthy white man and earnest do-gooder buys a building in a ghetto neighborhood in this warmly comic novel. Elgar Enders, having been expelled from eight Ivy League schools, is eager to make something of himself. He begins by attempting to improve his new
The Landlord

Many Mansions

A finalist for the National Book Award, Many Mansions was originally published in 1952 and received raves upon its debut. Now available for the first time in a paperback edition, the novel recounts an elderly woman's difficult decision to reread an unpublished memoir. Her poignant story of forbidden love and sacrifice, which begins during the Victorian era and concludes in the years following World War II, recalls the aristocratic elegance and psychological insights of works by Edith Wharton
Many Mansions