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The Communist Manifesto

"The Communist Manifesto" is an 1848 political document by German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Commissioned by the Communist League and originally published in London just as the Revolutions of 1848 began to erupt, it was later recognized as one of the world's most influential political documents. It presents an analytical approach to the class struggle (historical and then-present) and the conflicts of capitalism and the capitalist mode of production, rather than a
The Communist Manifesto

Binomio traducción especializada y terminología puntual. Caso de una informe técnico jurídico (ES-EN)

La investigación terminológica puntual es clave para traducir correctamente un texto especializado no solo en el plano lingüístico, sino también en los ámbitos cognitivo, comunicativo, pragmático, cultural y de forma. En Binomio traducción especializada y terminología puntual. Caso de un informe técnico jurídico (ES-EN), la autora analiza los problemas de traducción identificados en su texto origen. Además, presenta las propuestas de solución, diseña y desarrolla un glosario terminológico
Binomio traducción especializada y terminología puntual. Caso de una informe técnico jurídico (ES-EN)

Aforismos, anaforismos y otros artefactos

Un andaluz dijo : «To er mundo e güeno». Ahora se le busca vivo o muerto por el daño causado a la humanidad. Cada español/@ lleva un/@ aforista dentro, pero si invocas a los aforismos y vienen, después no salgas corriendo. Tras un largo embarazo, os presento los míos junto a varias paridas mentales (gemelos todos ellos de palabra y madre).Podría habéroslo lanzado por Twitter (arroja el twitter y esconde la mano), pero soy un enamorado de la lectura en papel, por lo que os lo digo a la cara.
Aforismos, anaforismos y otros artefactos

Ein Traum von Freiheit

Sommer 1798, Schauplatz Irland, ein Aufstand: Der historische Roman «Ein Traum von Freiheit» berichtet in detaillierter und facettenreicher Art über die Rebellion in Irland. Während die Bauern in bedrückender Armut leben, geniessen die Grundherren das Leben des Luxus. Doch auch die Grundherren müssen Abgaben leisten nämlich an die englische Krone. In Frankreich hat sich gerade erst die französische Revolution abgespielt, deren ideologisches Gedankengut sich nun auch über Irland ausstreckt. –
Ein Traum von Freiheit

The Influence of Beaumarchais in the War of American Independence

"The Influence of Beaumarchais in the War of American Independence" in 2 volumes is one of the best-known works by an American historian Elizabeth Sarah Kite. Pierre Beaumarchais (1732-1799) was a French polymath who rose in French society and became influential in the court of Louis XV as an inventor and music teacher. He made a number of important business and social contacts, and played various roles as a diplomat and spy. An early French supporter of American independence,
The Influence of Beaumarchais in the War of American Independence

Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry

Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry is the first book to offer a comprehensive reference to oral pathology and dental therapy in captive and wild exotic animals. Comprehensive in scope, the book is authored by noted experts on the topic who cover dental care for a broad range of species with an emphasis on oral health. Designed as a practical resource for treating exotic animals, the book is filled with instructive photographs and illustrations that clearly depict pathologies and demonstrate
Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry

Gardening Basics For Dummies

Cultivate your passion to grow In a 1625 essay, Francis Bacon called gardens «the purest of human pleasures,» and what was true then is even more so today—gardening can give you a serene refuge from the short-lived (and noisy!) distractions of modern life and a fertile basis for satisfaction that will bear fruit long into the future. To help you get started on your own leafy paradise, the new edition of Gardening Basics For Dummies grounds you thoroughly in the fundamentals of soil, flowers,
Gardening Basics For Dummies

Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

The reference text for all those practicing diagnostic and therapeutic pediatric endoscopy – trainees, trainers, specialist endoscopists, gastroenterologists and hepatologists alike. Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 3rd Edition provides a comprehensive and up-to-date exploration for the performance of endoscopy in infants, children and young adults. Written in the form of a complete «how to» manual and filled with step-by-step instructions, this book seeks to bring newcomers to
Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Jane Eyre

De Jane Eyre (1847), ciertamente una de las novelas más famosas de estos dos últimos siglos, solemos conservar la imagen ultrarromántica de una azarosa historia de amor entre una institutriz pobre y su rico e imponente patrón, todo en el marco truculento y misterioso de una fantasmagoría gótica. Y olvidamos que, antes y después de la relación central con el abismal, sardónico y volcánico señor Rochester, Jane Eyre tiene otras relaciones, otras historias: episodios escalofriantes de una
Jane Eyre

James Cook's Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World. The Second Voyage of James Cook (1772-1775)

"James Cook's Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World" in 2 volumes is an inspiring personal account of the second voyage of James Cook, from 1772 to 1775, commissioned by the British government with advice from the Royal Society, which was designed to circumnavigate the globe as far south as possible to finally determine whether there was any great southern landmass, or Terra Australis. On his first voyage, Cook had demonstrated by circumnavigating New Zealand that it was
James Cook's Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World. The Second Voyage of James Cook (1772-1775)