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Lean Architecture. Excellence in Project Delivery

Apply lean principles to your next architectural project and improve your bottom line with the help of this practical volume Lean Architecture: Excellence in Project Delivery shows readers a path to improve their project delivery via the application of lean concepts and process management. Authors Michael Czap and Gregory Buchanan challenge readers to reexamine their approach to architectural practice and projects by presenting a unique and compelling alternative. Lean Architecture details the
Lean Architecture. Excellence in Project Delivery

The Politics of Incremental Progressivism. Governments, Governances and Urban Policy Changes in São Paulo

THE POLITICS OF INCREMENTAL PROGRESSIVISM ‘Ungovernable neoliberal post politics assemblage metropolis from the South? No. This book shows innovative redistributive policies, regulation, and social participation recently in São Paulo, although gradually, slowly, and contentiously, and despite failures and inequalities. This great one-city-many-policies comparison departs from high quality empirically grounded research to show that collective action and public policies are back in town. In São
The Politics of Incremental Progressivism. Governments, Governances and Urban Policy Changes in São Paulo

Mediation. Negotiation by Other Moves

When negotiation fails, mediation avails other moves for an amicable resolution. Whether you are a current or future mediator or a party to a conflict, this is your essential companion to the theory, concepts, and best practices of mediation. In a world ridden by social divisions, responsible resolution of conflicts is more timely than ever. What happens when parties are unable to negotiate an agreement together? The next move is to invite a third party to reset the negotiations, facilitate
Mediation. Negotiation by Other Moves

Роковая Шанель. Опасные тайны Великой Мадемуазель

Великая КОКО ШАНЕЛЬ прославилась не только как гений моды и «икона стиля», но и как одна из самых «роковых» и загадочных женщин XX века. Что за опасные тайны она хранила всю свою жизнь? Какие «скелеты в шкафу» обнаружились после ее ухода? Почему ее сравнивают с легендарной соблазнительницей и шпионкой Матой Хари? Правда ли, что Шанель работала на гитлеровскую разведку как агент «Westminster», личный номер F-7124, и по заданию фюрера вела секретные переговоры с Черчиллем о сепаратном мире
Роковая Шанель. Опасные тайны Великой Мадемуазель

Bizarre Vergeltung. Ein BDSM-Thriller

Die attraktive Erbin Diana lässt sich von ihrem nichtsnutzigen Gatten Robert überzeugen, die anstehende Scheidung in einer abgelegenen Berghütte zu besprechen. Am nächsten Morgen erwacht sie nackt und gefesselt und ist Robert und seiner sadistischen Geliebten Raissa ausgeliefert, die sie um die Ecke bringen wollen, um ihr Vermögen abzustauben. Nachdem sie Diana stundenlang sexuell misshandelt haben und Robert ausleben konnte, was ihm vorher verwehrt blieb, entsorgen sie ihr Opfer in einer
Bizarre Vergeltung. Ein BDSM-Thriller

Seelensplitterkind. Mordkommission Frankfurt: Der 10. Band mit Siebels und Till

Ein toter Rechtsanwalt. Auf seiner Brust ein Foto. Darauf abgebildet eine kokette junge Frau. Nackt im Wohnzimmer des Opfers. Wer ist diese Frau? Und in welcher Beziehung stand sie zu dem Anwalt? Siebels und Till ermitteln wieder vereint bei der Frankfurter Mordkommission. Je näher sie den Antworten kommen, desto rätselhafter wird der Fall. Die Kommissare dringen allmählich zu dem geheimnisvollen Wesen der jungen Frau vor. Dabei stoßen sie auf eine Welt, in der sie nur noch mit
Seelensplitterkind. Mordkommission Frankfurt: Der 10. Band mit Siebels und Till

Эксперт 17-2021

Журнал «Эксперт» - общенациональный еженедельный деловой журнал – единственный в России деловой еженедельник, глубоко и профессионально изучающий экономику, российский и международный бизнес, общественно-политические процессы, науку и инновации. «Эксперт» дает читателям объемную и достоверную информацию, представляет тренды, аналитику, прогнозы, рейтинги, описывая состояние отраслей производства и публикуя интервью с ключевыми фигурами бизнеса.
Эксперт 17-2021

Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Evaluation and Control

Since the first edition in 1948, Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology has become a flagship publication for Wiley. During its nearly seven decades in print, it has become a standard reference for the fields of occupational health and toxicology. The volumes on industrial hygiene are cornerstone reference works for not only industrial hygienists but also chemists, engineers, toxicologists, lawyers, and occupational safety personnel. Volume 3 covers Recognition and Evaluation of Physical
Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Evaluation and Control

Responsible Data Science

Explore the most serious prevalent ethical issues in data science with this insightful new resource The increasing popularity of data science has resulted in numerous well-publicized cases of bias, injustice, and discrimination. The widespread deployment of “Black box” algorithms that are difficult or impossible to understand and explain, even for their developers, is a primary source of these unanticipated harms, making modern techniques and methods for manipulating large data sets seem
Responsible Data Science

Novel Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices. Materials, Architectures, and Future Trends

Novel Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices Explore the latest developments in electrochemical energy storage device technologyIn Novel Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices, an accomplished team of authors delivers a thorough examination of the latest developments in the electrode and cell configurations of lithium-ion batteries and electrochemical capacitors. Several kinds of newly developed devices are introduced, with information about their theoretical bases, materials, fabrication
Novel Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices. Materials, Architectures, and Future Trends