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Resilience For Dummies

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Activate your natural ability to thrive with Resilience For Dummies Stress, anxiety, and exhaustion are all-too-common features of our crazy-paced, curveball-throwing contemporary existence, and it’s sometimes hard to see how we can make it from one week to the next intact. But there’s a solution to the struggle: resilience! In Resilience For Dummies, Dr. Eva Selhub—former Harvard Medical School instructor and director of the Benson Henry Institute for
Resilience For Dummies

Outsmarting AI. Power, Profit, and Leadership in the Age of Machines

From factories to smartphones, Artificial Intelligence is already taking over. Outsmarting AI is not a how-to guide on making AI work, but making it work for YOU to boost profits and productivity. Each development in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology brings about apprehension and panic for the future of society and for business. We’re bombarded with stories about the impending human-less workplace; it is no longer a question if man can be replaced by machine in certain tasks, but when.
Outsmarting AI. Power, Profit, and Leadership in the Age of Machines

Changing European Visions of Disaster and Development. Rekindling Faust's Humanism

Goethe’s 1832 poem Faust offers a vision of humanity realising freedom and prosperity through transcending natural adversity. Changing European Visions of Disaster and Development returns to Faust as a way of exploring the rise and fall of European humanist aspirations to build free and prosperous national political communities protected from natural disasters. Faust stories emerged in early modern Europe linked to the shaking of the traditional religious and political order, and the pursuit
Changing European Visions of Disaster and Development. Rekindling Faust's Humanism

Manage Your Menopause Naturally. The Six-Week Guide to Calming Hot Flashes & Night Sweats, Getting Your Sex Drive Back, Sharpening Memory & Reclaiming Well-Being

In 2020, 64 million women will go through menopause in the U.S. Maryon Stewart’s previous wellness books have sold more than a million copies worldwide Author is taking her Natural Menopause Solution into 6 large organizations in North America: Ernst & Young, the New York Police Department, Barclays, Nomura, Royal Bank of Canada, and Johnson & Johnson Companies such as MonaLisa Touch, Merck, Pharma Nord, Natural Health International, Pharmacare, Bioglan, Become and Live Better with
Manage Your Menopause Naturally. The Six-Week Guide to Calming Hot Flashes & Night Sweats, Getting Your Sex Drive Back, Sharpening Memory & Reclaiming Well-Being

The Language of Loss. Poetry and Prose for Grieving and Celebrating the Love of Your Life

Includes poetry and prose by such acclaimed writers as Joyce Carol Oates, Mary Oliver, David Whyte, Joan Didion, Donald Hall, and C.S. LewisCreated by an author who, when faced with her husband’s death, found the understanding and comfort she needed in these writingsOffers readers empathy and, in the words of Donald Hall, “not release from grief, but companionship in grief”An ideal gift for anyone wanting to support a mourning friend
The Language of Loss. Poetry and Prose for Grieving and Celebrating the Love of Your Life

Promised Land. Exploring South Africa’s Land Conflict

Land reform and the possibility of expropriation without compensation are among the most hotly debated topics in South Africa today, met with trepidation and fervour in equal measure. But these broader issues tend to obscure a more immediate reality: a severe housing crisis and a sharp increase in urban land occupations In Promised Land, Karl Kemp travels the country documenting the fallout of failing land reform, from the under-siege Philippi Horticultural Area deep in the heart of Cape
Promised Land. Exploring South Africa’s Land Conflict

‘n Enkele verhaal. Die jag op ’n reeksverkragter

In November 2019 het My Only Story, Deon Wiggett se sensasionele weeklikse podsending, Suid-Afrika meegevoer in sy jag op die pedofiel wat hom as skoolseun verkrag het. Nou, in ’n Enkele verhaal, vertel hy vir die eerste keer ’n Afrikaanse storie in Afrikaans – en voltooi hy sy ontmaskering van Willem Breytenbach, die eens briljante onderwyser en latere mediabaas wat ’n donker lewe gelei het. Deon se missie om ’n monster aan die kaak te stel, neem hom van Breytenbach se hoërskooljare by die
‘n Enkele verhaal. Die jag op ’n reeksverkragter

Königin Corona von Amalthea und der kleine Junge Kunibert. Ein neuer Blick

Kunibert ist ein kleiner Junge aus Deutschland, der sich mit den Problemen der Corona- Krise konfrontiert sieht. Corona stimmt in missmutig und ängstlich. Um die Krise zu überwinden, begibt sich Kunibert auf eine Heldenreise. Relaja, das Rotkehlchen, Fridolin das Wildschein und Vabea die weise Fee helfen ihm eine neue, positive Sichtweise zu entwickeln.
Königin Corona von Amalthea und der kleine Junge Kunibert. Ein neuer Blick

Ночлег Франсуа Вийона. Сборник

Повести и рассказы, вошедшие в этот сборник, представляют Стивенсона в самом расцвете его незаурядного таланта писателя-романтика. Занимательные, зачастую не лишенные мистики приключенческие сюжеты и тонко прописанная атмосфера, яркие персонажи, пряный аромат былых эпох, мягкий юмор и превосходный язык – все это и сейчас способно заставить биться быстрее сердце читателя. Также в сборник вошел последний роман Стивенсона «Уир Гермистон», увы, так и оставшийся незаконченным, но, по мнению многих
Ночлег Франсуа Вийона. Сборник