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Athlete Unleashed. A Holistic Approach to Unleashing Your Best Inner Athlete

Back Cover We all have two roads upon which we can choose. The first road is to allow our limiting beliefs such as fear, anger, and doubt to shackle us and hinder our ability to achieve our true desires in life. Athlete Unleashed helps you navigate the second road, which allows you to break free from those shackles, find your passion, and gives you the steps to unleash your best inner athlete! Back when I was a high school baseball player, guidance and strength training for high school sports
Athlete Unleashed. A Holistic Approach to Unleashing Your Best Inner Athlete

That Was Unexpected

This was an unexpected debut of the poetry collection of the newcomer Karsten Colbert. In this collection, Karsten finds himself asking the important question of why. Why do we live? Why do we die? Why do we love? Why do we experience hate? In his journey of questioning why, Karsten has come to realize that life, love, and everything in between is unexpected and that you never know what tomorrow truly brings.
That Was Unexpected

THE American Citizens Handbook on Immigration

Back Cover Thomas Jefferson wrote “a well-informed electorate is a prerequisite to democracy.” The American Citizens’ Handbook’s mission is to bring that line of thinking to the forefront of the immigration arena. What started as a search for a questionable confirmation of a lone statistic ended after close to two years of research, being a candid conversation from a concerned citizen on inaccurate data with self-serving agendas. Inside this cover, you will discover startling information that
THE American Citizens Handbook on Immigration

Follow Your Heart

She awakes as every morning, with the same feeling of being in a place where she didn’t want to be. She sees the many faces going through her mind. Della shakes her head, holding back tears. Her heart is aching for something more. What did her mother always say? Oh yes, “Follow your heart, Della, follow your heart.” Della rises and goes to the window. Della turns. Feeling of loneliness washes over her. Her day has already started, whether she wants it or not. The face she sees in the mirror
Follow Your Heart

Berlin Blue

Choć od zburzenia muru berlińskiego minęły lata, wydaje się, że podziały, które wprowadził, odcisnęły trwały ślad na mieszkańcach obu stron. Doświadcza tego Jakub Kubacki, były emigrant, który po długiej nieobecności wraca do stolicy Niemiec. Jego powrót to nie tylko próba uporządkowania własnej przeszłości. W Berlinie giną dwaj mężczyźni powiązani z Jakubem, a dawne uprzedzenia odgrywają dużą rolę w teraźniejszości. Kiedy polityka miesza się z emocjami, nic nie jest jasne. Nie wiadomo, komu
Berlin Blue

The New World: The Awakening

In The New World: The Awakening, God has lost hope and faith in His creation and is planning to destroy it and start anew. Mankind’s only hope to stop God from His plans of destruction rests in the hands of Lyric Daniels, a goddess incarnate from the alternate reality Gaia. As Lyric’s mission begins, she struggles with the ability to ascend Earth, knowing that that’s the only way. For some reason, her powers are foreign to her, and she can’t remember how to harness and awaken them. But once
The New World: The Awakening

The Fixer. The Beginning

The Fixer: The Beginning The Fixer is a series that follows Mark Farmer in a new life. This action-packed story follows Mark as his life as he knows it falls apart and is reborn. Mark, a Special Forces soldier known to his brother soldiers as TK, The Killer, has his world turned upside down while deployed overseas. His fiancée, Katie, is kidnapped, raped, and killed by a serial killer. He comes home to find the police have a few leads but no hard evidence against the guy they believe to be the
The Fixer. The Beginning

In Pursuit of Knowledge. Black Women and Educational Activism in Antebellum America

Winner, 2020 Mary Kelley Book Prize, given by the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic Winner, 2020 Outstanding Book Award, given by the History of Education Society Uncovers the hidden role of girls and women in the desegregation of American education The story of school desegregation in the United States often begins in the mid-twentieth-century South. Drawing on archival sources and genealogical records, Kabria Baumgartner uncovers the story’s origins in the
In Pursuit of Knowledge. Black Women and Educational Activism in Antebellum America

Дорогой скорби: всё начинается с запада

Рыцари из тайного Ордена получают необычное задание - исследовать далёкий остров, где произошёл выброс магии. Туда же отправляется и экспедиция Империи, что, по возможности, должна найти угрозу, ликвидировать её и подготовить остров к возможной колонизации. Во главе имперских войск стоит фанатичный командир, готовый решать проблемы огнём и мечом, что может привести к столкновению с Орденом. Тайная организация, Империя, культисты, секты и туземцы - все они сойдутся на далёком острове, что
Дорогой скорби: всё начинается с запада