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The Forest Lovers. A Medieval Fairy Tale, A Romance

The Forest Lovers is a historical romance novel written by Maurice Hewlett. It is set in medieval France and tells the story of Prosper le Gai and his experiences in the mysterious forest of Morgraunt. The hero of the novel meets Isoult la Desireé, a poor servant girl, on his way and marries her out of pity. It soon turns out that Isoult is the missing daughter of the countess, and Prosper's feelings of pity turn into ideal and noble love.
The Forest Lovers. A Medieval Fairy Tale, A Romance

Marianela. Historical Romance

Marianela tells the story of a poor orphan girl with an ugly face, and her love for Pablo, a blind boy, who also has romantic feelings towards her. Marianela frequently sings to Pablo, and he believes she is beautiful because of her voice and wild yet intelligible imagination. Pablo's father asks a famous doctor, Teodoro Golfín, to examine Pablo to determine if his sight can be obtained. Pablo, full of hope at the prospect, promises Nela that he will marry her after the operation, if
Marianela. Historical Romance

Summer. Romance Novel

Set in New England, Summer is a romance novel which deals with themes of social class, the role of women in society, destructive relationships, sexual awakening and the desire of its protagonist, named Charity Royall. Charity is bored with her life in the small town of North Dormer, living under the tutorship of town's learned person Mr. Royall who makes inappropriate advances toward her. The exciting life she dreams of finds her in the form of a visiting architect named Lucius Harney. Charity
Summer. Romance Novel

Notfall Klinikpersonal. Stress, Burnout und Konflikte in Kliniken

Die Rahmenbedingungen in den Kliniken sind seit vielen Jahren kritisch zu betrachten. Die Arbeitsanforderungen steigen stetig an und der Personalmangel nimmt massiv zu. Hierdurch kann die Versorgung der PatientInnen immer weniger gewährleistet werden. MitarbeiterInnen in den Kliniken befinden sich zunehmend in einer Arbeitsüberforderung, die zu erhöhtem Stress, Burnout und Konflikten führt. Die Grenzen der physischen und psychischen Überlastungen sind schon lange erreicht. Die Corona-Pandemie
Notfall Klinikpersonal. Stress, Burnout und Konflikte in Kliniken

Oedipus frivolity. The Metaphysics of Evil

The first book of the Metaphysics of Evil is a collection of reflections generated by the inner crisis of the defeated soul. Like Oedipus at Colonus, the defeated soul has to find its sense after he grasps the inexorable force of the destiny. The profoundness he had reached through his extreme experiences brought him to a greater understanding and an occult empathy towards the existence. He is in permanently dialog with his Higher state of consciousness, and he transcends the time and space,
Oedipus frivolity. The Metaphysics of Evil

The Corona Lie - unmasked. Evidence, facts, backgrounds

This book is the first to examine the Corona phenomenon in its entirety and uncovers plenty of contradictions. A wealth of information is substantiated with hundreds of sources and raises doubts about the official account of the virus, the disease and the sense of the measures. The political background responsible for the economic decline is revealed. The book answers important questions such as: Can the PCR test detect infections at all? Why do the statistics show far too high case numbers?
The Corona Lie - unmasked. Evidence, facts, backgrounds

Психология и Я 04-2021

Журнал для тех, кто любит жизнь, стремится к гармонии с окружающим миром и с самим собой. Главная тема каждого номера – взаимоотношения между мужчиной и женщиной, родителями и детьми.
Психология и Я 04-2021

Wenn ich einmal der Herrgott wär

Wir Menschen befinden uns sehr oft in einer Situation, in der wir mit unseren Kräften nicht mehr weiterkommen. Wir sehen das Unglück auf der Welt und die Dummheit, Nachlässigkeit und Gier unserer Mitmenschen und meinen auch zu wissen, was zu tun ist. Mit unseren Mitteln können wir das jedoch kaum schaffen. In solchen Situationen wünschen wir uns insgeheim Herrgott zu sein und seine Allmacht einsetzen zu können, um die Welt besser zu machen. Dies beschreibt der Autor in Form von 30 Versen mit
Wenn ich einmal der Herrgott wär