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Pragmática del control sobre el derecho a la huelga. Análisis de la regulación legal y administrativo

La obra propone un análisis del derecho a la huelga desde una clave de garantía, a diferencia de la lógica de control que tiene la actual regulación legal de este derecho. Analizados los elementos del derecho, se proponen mejoras legislativas. RENATO SARZO TAMAYO es abogado, magíster y profesor en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Autor del libro La configuración constitucional del derecho a la remuneración en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano, así como de diversos artículos en
Pragmática del control sobre el derecho a la huelga. Análisis de la regulación legal y administrativo

«Господь дарует нам победу». Русская Православная Церковь и Великая Отечественная война

Предлагаемое издание посвящено богатой и драматичной истории Православных Церквей Юго-Востока Европы в годы Второй мировой войны. Этот период стал не только очень важным, но и наименее исследованным в истории, когда с одной стороны возникали новые неканоничные Православные Церкви (Хорватская, Венгерская), а с другой – некоторые традиционные (Сербская, Элладская) подвергались жестоким преследованиям. При этом ряд Поместных Церквей оказывал не только духовное, но и политическое влияние,
«Господь дарует нам победу». Русская Православная Церковь и Великая Отечественная война

Theresa Raquin. Historical Novel

Thérèse Raquin is the daughter of a French sea-captain and an Algerian mother. After her mother's death, her father takes her to live with her aunt, Madame Raquin, and Camille, her feeble son. Camille and Thérèse grow up side-by-side and Madame Raquin marries them to each other when Thérèse turns 21. Shortly thereafter, Camille decides that the family should move to Paris so he can pursue a career. In Paris Camille runs into a childhood friend, Laurent, who visits the Raquins and agrees to
Theresa Raquin. Historical Novel

The Mayor of Casterbridge. Historical Novel

After arguing with his wife Susan at a country fair near Casterbridge in Wessex, Michael Henchard, drunk on rum auctions her off, along with their baby daughter, to Richard Newson, a passing sailor, for five guineas. Sober and remorseful the next day, he is too late to locate his family and vows not to touch liquor again for 21 years. Some 18 years later, after Newson is lost at sea, Susan seeks out Henchard again, taking her daughter with her. She discovers that Henchard has become a very
The Mayor of Casterbridge. Historical Novel

Leon Roch. Romance Novel

The León Roch tells the story of love and passionate triangle between two women and a man, in the environment of Madrid's upper class in the second half of the nineteenth century. León is an industrious Krausist, intelligent and heir to a great fortune, who arrives from Valencia accompanying the Marquises of Fúcar, whose daughter, Pepa, is secretly in love with León. But in Madrid, the intellectual is going to fall under the spell of the fiery, imaginative and sensual temperament of María
Leon Roch. Romance Novel

Nueve reglas que romper para conquistar a un granuja

Una de las reglas sociales más conocidas dice que una joven de buena familia nunca debería acudir a casa de un marqués de mala reputación y pedirle un beso apasionado. Sin embargo, para conquistar a este granuja, lady Calpurnia Hartwell deberá romper todas las reglas?1. Besar apasionadamente. 2. Fumar puros y beber whisky. 3. Montar a horcajadas. 4. Practicar esgrima. 5. Asistir a un duelo. 6. Disparar una pistola. 7. Jugar a las cartas (en un club de caballeros). 8. Bailar todos los bailes en
Nueve reglas que romper para conquistar a un granuja

Daddy-Long-Legs & Dear Enemy. Romance Novels

"Daddy-Long-Legs" – Jerusha «Judy» Abbott was brought up at the John Grier Home, an old-fashioned orphanage. At the age of 17, Judy is informed by the asylum's dour matron that one of the trustees has offered to pay her way through college. Judy catches a glimpse of the shadow of her benefactor from the back, and knows he is a tall long-legged man. Because of this, she jokingly calls him Daddy-Long-Legs. She has an obligation to write him a monthly letter, but she will never know his
Daddy-Long-Legs & Dear Enemy. Romance Novels

The Making Of A Saint. The Making Of A Saint

Is set in Italy of the 15th-century, where rivalry, intrigue, jealousy, and murder were a part of everyday life. This novel portrays a heroic tale of love, adventure, and politics. It is the life story of Beato Giuliano, brother of the Order of St Francis of Assisi, known as Filippo Brandolini. The principal character joins his friends in pursuit of dethroning Giralomo Riario, who dominates the city of Forli. Filippo is the eponymous Saint- although the circumstances he finds himself in would
The Making Of A Saint. The Making Of A Saint

The Return of the Native. Historical Romance

Damon Wildeve, a local innkeeper known for his fickleness is preoccupied with Eustacia Vye, an exotically beautiful young woman who broke up with him when Clym, a successful diamond merchant, returned from Paris to his native Egdon Heath. Eustacia sees him as a way to escape the hated heath and begin a grander, richer existence in a glamorous new location. When he sees that Eustacia is lost to him, Wildeve marries Thomasin Yeobright, who gives birth to a daughter. After realizing that Clym
The Return of the Native. Historical Romance