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Structural Reliability. Approaches from Perspectives of Statistical Moments

STRUCTURAL RELIABILITY Discover a new and innovative approach to structural reliability from two authoritative and accomplished authorsThe subject of structural reliability, which deals with the problems of evaluating the safety and risk posed by a wide variety of structures, has grown rapidly over the last four decades. And while the First-Order Reliability Method is principally used by most textbooks on this subject, other approaches have identified some of the limitations of that method.In
Structural Reliability. Approaches from Perspectives of Statistical Moments

Biological Reaction Engineering. Dynamic Modeling Fundamentals with 80 Interactive Simulation Examples

This practical book presents the modeling of dynamic biological engineering processes in a readily comprehensible manner, using the unique combination of simplified fundamental theory and direct hands-on computer simulation. The mathematics is kept to a minimum, and yet the 60 examples illustrate almost every aspect of biological engineering science, with each one described in detail, including the model equations. The programs are written in the modern user-friendly simulation language
Biological Reaction Engineering. Dynamic Modeling Fundamentals with 80 Interactive Simulation Examples

Anthropology For Dummies

Study the science of all of us Anthropology is the organized study of what makes humans human. It takes an objective step back to view homo sapiens as a species and ask questions like: Given our common characteristics, why aren’t all of us exactly the same? Why do people across the world have variable skin and hair color and so many inventive ways to say hello? And how can knowing the reasons behind our differences—as well as our similarities—teach us useful lessons for the future? The updated
Anthropology For Dummies

Merchants of Culture. The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century

These are turbulent times in the world of book publishing. For nearly five centuries the methods and practices of book publishing remained largely unchanged, but at the dawn of the twenty-first century the industry finds itself faced with perhaps the greatest challenges since Gutenberg. A combination of economic pressures and technological change is forcing publishers to alter their practices and think hard about the future of the books in the digital age. In this book – the first major study
Merchants of Culture. The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century

Practical Statistics for Nursing and Health Care

Now in its second edition, Practical Statistics for Nursing and Health Care provides a sound foundation for nursing, midwifery and other health care students and early career professionals, guiding readers through the often daunting subject of statistics ‘from scratch’. Making no assumptions about one’s existing knowledge, the text develops in complexity as the material and concepts become more familiar, allowing readers to build the confidence and skills to apply various formula and
Practical Statistics for Nursing and Health Care

Practical Guide to Diagnostic Parasitology

In the 21st century the field of diagnostic medical parasitology continues to see dramatic changes, including newly recognized pathogens and the changing endemicity and classification of familiar organisms; neglected tropical diseases and the impact of global climate change; and new methodologies and risk management issues. This classic clinical laboratory parasitology reference, now in its third edition, has been extensively revised and updated in a new full-color format. Still organized to
Practical Guide to Diagnostic Parasitology

Scaling Conversations. How Leaders Access the Full Potential of People

Find out what your customers and employees are really thinking with this indispensable resource Scaling Conversations: How Leaders Access the Full Potential of People delivers invaluable strategies for how leaders can make their communications more inclusive and access the voices of those employees who rarely feel empowered to speak up. As constituent numbers scale, leaders have traditionally struggled to make communications a conversation with the entire organization, settling instead for
Scaling Conversations. How Leaders Access the Full Potential of People

Как блудный муж по грибы ходил. Сборник

Юрий Поляков – известный русский писатель, мастер современной прозы, автор «бессрочных бестселлеров». В сборник «Как блудный муж по грибы ходил…» включены два его знаменитых романа «Замыслил я побег…» и «Грибной царь», а также повесть «Возвращение блудного мужа». Все три вещи объединены общей, «семейственной» темой. Автор со свойственной лишь ему увлекательной скрупулезностью исследует знакомые ситуации, когда привычная брачная жизнь попадает в зону турбулентности новой любви-страсти. Что
Как блудный муж по грибы ходил. Сборник

Зиска. Загадка злого духа

Каир – город, куда зимой съезжаются европейские аристократы, чтобы отдохнуть и полюбоваться памятниками великой древней цивилизации. И в новом сезоне главной темой всех разговоров становится сказочно богатая и загадочная красавица княгиня Зиска. У нее словно нет прошлого. Ее эксцентричные выходки шокируют общество. Ее познания в области истории Древнего Египта восхищают даже ученых. Она окружена толпой поклонников, но тем не менее ни с кем не сближается. Разумеется, такая необычная женщина
Зиска. Загадка злого духа

После солнца

Сборник «После солнца» моментально завоевал популярность в странах Европы, поскольку затрагивает резонансные и провокационные темы. Пять историй – «Алвин», две части «Мексиканской шавки», «Рэйчел, Невада», «Я, Рори и Аврора» – это смелые фантазии о мире в эпоху глобализации, о сексуальности, темной стороне капитализма и людских желаниях. Воображаемое и гиперреалистичное то и дело балансируют на острие пера автора, в очередной раз доказывая, что в гротеске сокрыта поразительная красота.
После солнца