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Computational Methods in Organometallic Catalysis. From Elementary Reactions to Mechanisms

Computational Methods in Organometallic Catalysis Discover recent advances in the mechanistic study of organometallic catalysis In Computational Methods in Organometallic Catalysis: From Elementary Reactions to Mechanisms, distinguished chemist and author Yu Lan delivers a synthesis of the use of calculation methods and experimental techniques to improve the efficiency of reaction and yield of product and to uncover the factors that control the selectivity of product. Providing not only a
Computational Methods in Organometallic Catalysis. From Elementary Reactions to Mechanisms

Тень в комнате с портретом

Кэтрин Хаддон, работающая в гостинице «Охотники и свинья», мечтает о тихой жизни: ей бы найти подругу и заняться рисованием, но вместо этого она оказывается втянута в опасную игру. Кэти невольно подслушивает разговор одной из женщин, прибывшей из Бата на благотворительное собрание, и этот разговор оказывается последним в жизни леди. Кэти становится важной свидетельницей. Теперь ей предстоит отыскать убийцу, рискуя собственной жизнью…
Тень в комнате с портретом

Kunst und Handwerk des Schauspielers. William Esper lehrt die Meisner-Technik

"Absolut inspirierend und eine brillante Beschreibung der Meisner-Technik." Mary Steenburgen Sanford Meisner (1905–1997) gehört zu den weltweit einflussreichsten Schauspiellehrern. William Esper erklärt die Grundlagen seiner legendären Methode, führt diese weiter und entwickelt ein aufeinander aufbauendes Übungssystem, um eine wahrhaftige und überzeugende Darstellung sowohl auf der Bühne als auch bei Film und Fernsehen zu erreichen. Wie jede Kunst verlangt auch das Schauspiel, dass
Kunst und Handwerk des Schauspielers. William Esper lehrt die Meisner-Technik

Записки геолога

«Записки геолога» не являются художественным произведением, это копия – срез жизни и работы в геологии Виктора Андреяновича Неволина, и они не претендуют на полную объективность суждений и оценок.
Записки геолога

APA Style & Citations For Dummies

Write right in for scholarly success While world-renowned for the precision and clarity it lends to scholarly writing, keeping track of APA style's exacting standards can be demanding (at times even excruciating!) for initiates and seasoned writers alike. Created and governed by the American Psychological Association, it provides a universal style for formatting, citations, and footnotes in psychological research, behavioral and social science journals, and beyond. Getting up to speed is tough
APA Style & Citations For Dummies

The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner

The Adult Psychotherapy PROGRESS NOTES PLANNER PracticePlanners® THE BESTSELLING TREATMENT PLANNING SYSTEM FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Fully revised and updated throughout, The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Sixth Edition enables practitioners to quickly and easily create progress notes that completely integrate with a client’s treatment plan. Each of the more than 1,000 prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions directly link to the corresponding behavioral
The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner

Start-Up Secure. Baking Cybersecurity into Your Company from Founding to Exit

Add cybersecurity to your value proposition and protect your company from cyberattacks Cybersecurity is now a requirement for every company in the world regardless of size or industry. Start-Up Secure: Baking Cybersecurity into Your Company from Founding to Exit covers everything a founder, entrepreneur and venture capitalist should know when building a secure company in today’s world. It takes you step-by-step through the cybersecurity moves you need to make at every stage, from landing your
Start-Up Secure. Baking Cybersecurity into Your Company from Founding to Exit

Remember Me. Memory and Forgetting in the Digital Age

As the end of December draws near, Facebook routinely sends users a short video entitled ‘Your Year on Facebook’. It lasts about a minute and brings together the images and posts that received the highest number of comments and likes over the last year. The video is rounded off with a message from Facebook that reads: ‘Sometimes, looking back helps us remember what matters most. Thanks for being here.’ It is this ‘looking back’, increasingly the focus of social networks, that is the
Remember Me. Memory and Forgetting in the Digital Age

Biosurfactants for a Sustainable Future. Production and Applications in the Environment and Biomedicine

Biosurfactants for a Sustainable Future Explore the state-of-the-art in biosurfactant technology and its applications in environmental remediation, biomedicine, and biotechnology Biosurfactants for a Sustainable Future explores recent developments in biosurfactants and their use in a variety of cutting-edge applications. The book opens a window on the rapid development of microbiology by explaining how microbes and their products are used in advanced medical technology and in the sustainable
Biosurfactants for a Sustainable Future. Production and Applications in the Environment and Biomedicine

Becoming a Data Head. How to Think, Speak, and Understand Data Science, Statistics, and Machine Learning

"Turn yourself into a Data Head. You'll become a more valuable employee and make your organization more successful." Thomas H. Davenport, Research Fellow, Author of Competing on Analytics, Big Data @ Work, and The AI Advantage You’ve heard the hype around data—now get the facts. In Becoming a Data Head: How to Think, Speak, and Understand Data Science, Statistics, and Machine Learning, award-winning data scientists Alex Gutman and Jordan Goldmeier pull back the curtain on data
Becoming a Data Head. How to Think, Speak, and Understand Data Science, Statistics, and Machine Learning