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Evidence in Medicine. The Common Flaws, Why They Occur and How to Prevent Them

High-quality evidence is the foundation for effective treatment in medicine. As the vast amount of published medical evidence continues to grow, concerns about the quality of many studies are increasing. Evidence in Medicine is a much-needed resource that addresses the ‘medical misinformation mess’ by assessing the flaws in the research environment. This authoritative text identifies and summarises the many factors that have produced the current problems in medical research, including bias in
Evidence in Medicine. The Common Flaws, Why They Occur and How to Prevent Them

Mindfulness without the Bells and Beads. Unlocking Exceptional Performance, Leadership, and Well-being for Working Professionals

Use mindfulness to unleash your potential – without adopting spiritual beliefs Mindfulness Without the Bells and Beads: Unlocking Exceptional Performance, Leadership, and Wellbeing for Working Professionals strips away the bells, beads, and hyperbole associated with mindfulness, and explains how you can take your performance and leadership to the next level in just eight weeks, without adopting any spiritual or new age beliefs. Author Clif Smith, a US Army veteran, former diplomat, and
Mindfulness without the Bells and Beads. Unlocking Exceptional Performance, Leadership, and Well-being for Working Professionals

Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals Study Guide. Exam AZ-900

Quickly preps technical and non-technical readers to pass the Microsoft AZ-900 certification exam Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals Study Guide: Exam AZ-900 is your complete resource for preparing for the AZ-900 exam. Microsoft Azure is a major component of Microsoft’s cloud computing model, enabling organizations to host their applications and related services in Microsoft’s data centers, eliminating the need for those organizations to purchase and manage their own computer hardware. In
Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals Study Guide. Exam AZ-900

Снайперы. Самая полная энциклопедия

САМАЯ ПОЛНАЯ ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯ СНАЙПЕРСКОГО ИСКУССТВА. Не ремесла, а именно искусства! – ведь точность выстрела зависит от десятков факторов: времени суток и температуры воздуха, скорости и направления ветра, расстояния до цели, как падает свет, куда перемещаются тени… Искусство боевого снайпера окружено целым ворохом мифов и легенд и часто граничит с мистикой. Эффект его работы ужасен, а способность возникать в самом неожиданном месте и бесследно исчезать после выстрела кажется сверхъестественной.
Снайперы. Самая полная энциклопедия

Biocatalysis for Practitioners. Techniques, Reactions and Applications

This reference book originates from the interdisciplinary research cooperation between academia and industry. In three distinct parts, latest results from basic research on stable enzymes are explained and brought into context with possible industrial applications. Downstream processing technology as well as biocatalytic and biotechnological production processes from global players display the enormous potential of biocatalysts. Application of «extreme» reaction conditions (i.e.
Biocatalysis for Practitioners. Techniques, Reactions and Applications

Lean Architecture. Excellence in Project Delivery

Apply lean principles to your next architectural project and improve your bottom line with the help of this practical volume Lean Architecture: Excellence in Project Delivery shows readers a path to improve their project delivery via the application of lean concepts and process management. Authors Michael Czap and Gregory Buchanan challenge readers to reexamine their approach to architectural practice and projects by presenting a unique and compelling alternative. Lean Architecture details the
Lean Architecture. Excellence in Project Delivery

The Politics of Incremental Progressivism. Governments, Governances and Urban Policy Changes in São Paulo

THE POLITICS OF INCREMENTAL PROGRESSIVISM ‘Ungovernable neoliberal post politics assemblage metropolis from the South? No. This book shows innovative redistributive policies, regulation, and social participation recently in São Paulo, although gradually, slowly, and contentiously, and despite failures and inequalities. This great one-city-many-policies comparison departs from high quality empirically grounded research to show that collective action and public policies are back in town. In São
The Politics of Incremental Progressivism. Governments, Governances and Urban Policy Changes in São Paulo

Mediation. Negotiation by Other Moves

When negotiation fails, mediation avails other moves for an amicable resolution. Whether you are a current or future mediator or a party to a conflict, this is your essential companion to the theory, concepts, and best practices of mediation. In a world ridden by social divisions, responsible resolution of conflicts is more timely than ever. What happens when parties are unable to negotiate an agreement together? The next move is to invite a third party to reset the negotiations, facilitate
Mediation. Negotiation by Other Moves

Роковая Шанель. Опасные тайны Великой Мадемуазель

Великая КОКО ШАНЕЛЬ прославилась не только как гений моды и «икона стиля», но и как одна из самых «роковых» и загадочных женщин XX века. Что за опасные тайны она хранила всю свою жизнь? Какие «скелеты в шкафу» обнаружились после ее ухода? Почему ее сравнивают с легендарной соблазнительницей и шпионкой Матой Хари? Правда ли, что Шанель работала на гитлеровскую разведку как агент «Westminster», личный номер F-7124, и по заданию фюрера вела секретные переговоры с Черчиллем о сепаратном мире
Роковая Шанель. Опасные тайны Великой Мадемуазель

Bizarre Vergeltung. Ein BDSM-Thriller

Die attraktive Erbin Diana lässt sich von ihrem nichtsnutzigen Gatten Robert überzeugen, die anstehende Scheidung in einer abgelegenen Berghütte zu besprechen. Am nächsten Morgen erwacht sie nackt und gefesselt und ist Robert und seiner sadistischen Geliebten Raissa ausgeliefert, die sie um die Ecke bringen wollen, um ihr Vermögen abzustauben. Nachdem sie Diana stundenlang sexuell misshandelt haben und Robert ausleben konnte, was ihm vorher verwehrt blieb, entsorgen sie ihr Opfer in einer
Bizarre Vergeltung. Ein BDSM-Thriller